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Is It Normal to Think of Someone Else During Sex? - Fantasizing About Other People During Sex
Naked photos of girls sent to dance teacher Grant Davies to help them, mother says - ABC News
Am I being unfaithful if I fantasise about other people or scenarios during sex? - ABC Everyday

How Stoya took on James Deen and broke the porn industry's silence | Pornography | The Guardian

Eight reasons you must not enter 2020 with pornography and masturbation | The Guardian Nigeria News - Nigeria and World News — Saturday Magazine — The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News
Source Boys & Sex: Young Men on Hookups, Love, Porn, Consent, and Navigating the New Masculinity: 9780062666970: Orenstein, Peggy: Books

One in 10 children 'have watched pornography by time they are nine' | Children | The Guardian