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Drought in Kenya drives girls as young as 12 to have sex for money | Sexual violence | The Guardian

Good Luck to You, Leo Grande review – Emma Thompson excels in stagey sex comedy | Comedy films | The Guardian

India's Daughter: 'I made a film on rape in India. Men's brutal attitudes truly shocked me' | Documentary films | The Guardian

Amarachi Ohakelem: Father of 17-year-old girl wey dem allegedly rape to death for Imo tok how im daughter die, police confam arrest - BBC News Pidgin

Five years after the gang-rape and murder of Jyoti Singh, what has changed for women in India? | Rape and sexual assault | The Guardian

I made a name for myself with 'sex-positive' comedy. Then I was raped on a night out. Would my openness be used against me? | Rape and sexual assault | The Guardian

Outrage as woman allegedly gang-raped, paraded in India's capital | Sexual Assault News | Al Jazeera