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Does Michelle Obama's 'nude' dress scandal highlight fashion's racial bias? | Daily Mail Online

Michelle Obama reveals there were 'times she wanted to push Barack out of the window' | Daily Mail Online

After A Private Picture Of Former President Barack Obama's Younger Daughter Leaked Online, Some People Criticize The 19-Year-Old Girl Sasha Obama For The Image. - Women's World Today

So what if Malia Obama wants to dance and Melania Trump once posed nude? | Feminism | The Guardian

Michelle Obama admits it was 'emotional' to drop youngest daughter Sasha off at college | Daily Mail Online

Is everyone doing this perfectly but me?' Michelle Obama on the guilt and anxiety of being a mother - and her golden parenting rules | Michelle Obama | The Guardian

After A Private Picture Of Former President Barack Obama's Younger Daughter Leaked Online, Some People Criticize The 19-Year-Old Girl Sasha Obama For The Image. - Women's World Today