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The long arc: 3 years on, the Cyprus gang rape case begins to bend the other way | The Times of Israel

Forced Sex By Husband On Wife Should Be Labelled Rape; Right To Withdraw Consent Part Of Woman's Right To Life & Liberty : Justice Rajiv Shakdher On Marital Rape

Outrage in India as 11 men convicted of rape and murders in Gujarat violence walk free | PBS NewsHour

They Treated Us in Monstrous Waysâ€: Sexual Violence Against Men, Boys, and Transgender Women in the Syrian Conflict | HRW

Everyone Blames Meâ€: Barriers to Justice and Support Services for Sexual Assault Survivors in India | HRW

Raped, abused, exploited: Ukrainian women seeking refuge in Israel find no haven | The Times of Israel

Shiori Ito won civil case against her alleged rapist. But Japan's rape laws need overhaul, campaigners say | CNN

Hardcore porn, choking and rape: UK universities left to tackle rising tide of sexual assaults | Rape and sexual assault | The Guardian