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'Where's My Roy Cohn?' documentary turns the famous Trump mentor and political insider inside out - The Boston Globe

Our Cover Girl Is Barbara Walters' Most Fascinating | Miley cyrus pictures, Miley cyrus, Miley cyrus news

Barbara Walters was fired from The View and did not voluntarily retire, friend Lisa Ling claims in new interview | The US Sun

The View's Joy Behar jokes about Barbara Walters' trademark open-mouth 'porn' smile: 'She did it every time she took a photograph' | Daily Mail Online

Melania Trump hits back at Barbara Walters over topless photoshoot comments | Daily Mail Online
The Viewâ€'s Joy Behar slams Fox's Melania Trump interview, says Barbara Walters would've asked about 'sex with a porn star'

Watch Brooke Shields Tells the Story Behind Her 80's Calvin Klein Jeans Campaign | Behind the Moment | Vogue