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The other day someone said I looked like a monkey... I know people can come up with better insults than that ;) : r/RoastMe
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt keep in touch with love letters to keep romance alive - Mirror Online
Haunting 'zombie Angelina Jolie freed on bail' after 'joke' lands her 10-year jail term - Daily Star
New Celebrity Apprentice' Contestant Carrie Keagan Discusses Her Book 'Everybody Curses, I Swear!' – The Hollywood Reporter
Hangisinden blowjob istersiniz (1 tane secme hakkinız var) Selena Gomez-Angelina Jolie-Natalie Portman-Kristen Stewart-Megan Fox-Jennifer Connely-Emma Watson-Anne Hathaway : r/KGBTR
Why does Angelina Jolie no longer make films as an actress, but only directing and production? - Quora
My lovely GF just took 30 pictures because she wanted to look perfect on her roastme shot. Give her your best reddit. : r/RoastMe